Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Blind Side

My dear sweet, sister-in-law Kelli is on a mission. She is determined to help me meet my match. She has gone thru everyone of her friends on Facebook, every family friend, every co-worker and has finally found one guy she thinks I should try to go out with. He is 31, with twin girls and tattoos. Tat-daddie is what we will call him.

Now Kelli and her friend Candace approached Tat-Daddie and asked him if he was single and if he would be willing to go out on a date with me. He said only if I was cute. Well Kelli only had to show him one facebook photo of me and he was on board. Numbers were exchanged and I was sent an email that said I should be expecting a phone call soon.

I have to say, I'm excited about the potential date, but blind dates make me just as nervous as anyone, but it is 2010, so there doesn't have to be anything blind about this at all. I quickly typed in Tat-Daddies names on facebook and BAM! There he is. Anything I needed to know about my potential hunka-hunka is there. I now know anything about him that would be discussed on a first date, his interests, his work, the kind of music and movies that he likes. This internet speed dating business is the shiz.

I take a look at a couple of pictures and yes, he is quite adorable. I'm on board at this point. Nothing as of yet has scared me away. I had to wait a full 24 hours to recieve a text from Tat-Daddie, and it was right in the middle of my very busy work day. I barely got to talk to him and I had to apologize about not being able to talk to him, because he was not just texting, he was writing short novels trying to get to know me. I have a feeling that we will be going out this weekend and I am extrememly nervous.

Do people really meet their better-halves thru blind dates? I'm really going to put my love life in the hands of my sister-in-law, going off just her word that she thinks this guy will be good for me? What if my heart gets broken? Do I go to her crying and feeling mildly annoyed with myself for letting her take over?

I guess we'll all have to see. Wish me luck my friends, and let the blind dating begin!

1 comment:

  1. I hope he doesn't text your whole date, or hopefully it won't be just the two of you at the theater or wherever it is that you may be and have him fart and blame it on you! and not say anything at all!!

    Just kidding hun!

    Hope all goes well! let us know :)
