Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Cheese Grater

There is this guy that I've been hanging out with for a while now, I'm gonna call him Chandler, just because I like the name although he is in now way like the Chandler from "Friends". Chandler and I met on a blind date which was set up by a mutual friend of ours. He is such a good looking guy, dark brown hair, dark eyes, tall, nice build....just all around good looking. Well we hit it off pretty good, went to dinner and then a movie. Well anyways on our way home I decided to hit him with a bombshell: tomorrow, I was to be getting braces.

I expected horror, shock, disgust, anything but the actual reaction that was given which was "That's cool".

So I got my braces and we continued to hang out, Chandler and I had a lot of fun together and he was really good with Kyra. Until...I cut him, yes it's true, I cut Chandler with my braces. I thought it couldn't happen, I heard about all the horror stories about kissing someone else with braces, getting stuck together, all sorts of things, but I never believed it, until that day when I CUT CHANDLER.

Needless to say I was rather embarrassed about the whole thing, and it took all of two days before all of our friends knew about it. So they started calling me "The Cheese Grater" I deserve it, I should have heeded the warning signs that were given to me before I went and kissed Chandler, but I didn't, and he ended up with a huge cut. Things got a little weird between us then, but I think it was more on my part than his. I didn't particuarlly like being known as "cheese girl" or "razor blade". As everything eventually does though, this story faded out along with his cut and most people don't bring it up anymore.

So if you ever see me out and about and I smile, just remember that those braces I have are dangerous and it would probably be best for you to keep your distance.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Worst Date Ever

Let's take a walk down memory lane today and re-visit my worst date ever.

I met Shawn in Jr. High, and if my memory serves me right, I do believe we were boyfriend/girlfriend for a couple of weeks. I hadn't seen Shawn since we graduated high school and when I moved home my sister said that he was a substitute teacher at her High School while he was home from deployment in the Army. Well eventually Shawn got a hold of me and asked me out on a date. We planned for a Friday night, dinner and a movie. I was actually really excited to go on this date, but remember I hadn't seen him since high school, which if you must know my age, was almost seven years ago.

Friday night came, and my doorbell rings, I open the door and Shawn is there to pick me up looking like The Hulk but minus being green. He was gargantuan. His shirt was streched to the maximum as it tried to fit over his muscles, but let me get this straight, I did not find this attractive. I was actually pretty terrified to be alone with this guy for the next few hours.

We decide to go to Chili's, which is great by me because i'm in love with their chicken crispers with honey mustard sauce...yum. We take a seat in the bar area and order our food and at the table next to us is a few of our friends we went to school with, one of which is a kid I always had a little bit of a crush on...we will call him Steven. Steven gets up, comes over, give me a hug and Shawn a hand shake. We chit chat a little, and I make it VERY clear that this was mine and Shawn's first date, that we WERE NOT together. When Steven walked back to his own table, I turn back to Shawn and I get a tongue lashing about how he didn't like the way Steven was looking at me and he was a scumbag. He also told me that I needed to be more aware of the things that were going on around me and he didn't appreciate the way I was dressed and that I looked like I was asking for it, and that's why Steven thought he could look at me the way he did. Now people, I was dressed in jeans, boots and a black short sleeved no way was I dressed like I was asking for it.

Already this date has gotten uncomfortable, but I bear thru dinner listening to him ramble on and on about how awesome he his and how much he can lift and how he intimidates people the minute he walks into a room. I'm laughing about it now as I'm writing this. As we get up to go, I turn to tell Steven goodbye when Shawn wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me against him defensively before I could really say anything, and he halfways pulls me out of the restuarant. Now honestly, I'm and idiot and probably deserve what was coming for not just asking to be taken home then, but I'm also to polite for my own good, so off we went to the movies.

We go to the theather and he has bought tickets for "The Watchmen" before we even got there, the last flippin movie I wanted to watch was that one at the time, but again, I went with it. It was opening weekend, and the theather was packed. As we are walking in he tells about some of the drills he has to do for the Army and I barely listen, trying to make it look like I'm not really there with the guy at all. Then....get ready, Shawn bends down and grabs my legs around my knees and literally throws me over his shoulders, and starts running up the theater stairs. My purse was open at the time, and it hit me in the face as he threw me. My butt-crack is hanging out the top of my jeans for everyone to see and I watch as all the contents of my purse fall out and down the stairs. I am screaming the whole time for him to stop and when we get to the top he slams me down into a chair and said, "See, told you I was strong."

I was furious and tell him that all the stuff in my purse fell out, and he looked at me again, sat down and said "That'll teach you to be prepared, you should always be prepared for any type of situation that comes your way." I had to walk down the stairs and pick up my things with everyone staring at me and laughing. Not quite sure why I didn't just walk out but I ended up staying for the movie. At the end of the night as he walked me to the door, he cuped my face in his hands looked me straight in the eye, and said "Your beautiful Dacia, I can really see myself falling for you" and kissed my forehead. I have never talked or seen Shawn again, and I give a big thanks to AT&T for helping me block his number 20 minutes after I got home.

Worst date ever.

Friday, April 16, 2010

A little about me....

Let me clear a few things up before I continue this. I am no dating expert, nor do I believe that I am god's gift to men. I am simply trying to tell a story about my life. I know that I am not every man's type, nor do I believe that I am a perfect match for every person. I have been on some terrific, wonderful, fun, fabulous dates. I have been in great relationships. I've been happily in love before. But there are two sides of any story, and I've also been hurt, broken and treated really really badly. Also, I cannot sit here and lie to you and tell you that I've never been the reason something didn't work out, because I can be cruel myself.

But, I am a true believer in love. I know that it's out there for me and I am excited for when the opportunity is mine to have it. Until then, I'm going to have to date, and that means we all get to enjoy a little bit of the process together.

As for Dan, I did respond but only to thank him for his apology and we left it at that. Bring on the next bachelor people!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Text


Dan text me at 5:00 today, one day after the ditch. Saying that he owes me an apology and that he ended up at his friends and he should have called me but didn't and he's sorry. I have yet to respond back, I just don't know how or what to say....what do you think?

Ditching Dacia

My first post comes a day after I was ditched. Yes ditched. I am still extremely upset about it and actually a little embarrassed. I went to school with Dan and I always had a little bit of a crush, but it never went any further than that. I hadn't seen him since I graduated, but when I moved home last year I moved into the same neighborhood as him. I only ever saw him if we drove by eachother, and we never spoke. Last Friday, Dan and I became friends on Facebook, which, btw, is better than eHarmony if your looking for somebody (believe me, I know this to be a fact). Anyway, I sent Dan an email saying that I thought we lived by eachother and asking how he was....blah, blah, blah, we exchange numbers with the promise to hang out and that's that.

Tuesday rolls around and I'm on my way home when Dan texts me, we chit-chat for a minute then he invites me over to his house, Dan also has a son, so it was such a perfect opportunity to hang out and I brought Kyra over. Dan and I seem to get along really well, the kids had fun together and I ended up leaving with not one, but two separate hugs from Dan. He even text me after I got home saying we should hang out again. Of course I said yes, he was extremely good looking and had his own place and a son. Ahhh...I was swooned.

Fast forward to next day, I talked to Dan at work and we decided to hang out with the kids at his place and watch the Jazz game, totally chill. I was excited all day long...don't think I could wipe the grin off my face if I tried. Finally 5:30 rolls around I run to my car, drive home and jump in the shower. I text Dan that I planned to get ready and be over right after....his response...nothing. I continued to beautify myself and when I was completely ready over an hour later, he still hadn't written back, so I called...voicemail.

At this point I went from excited to extremely pissed off. I was DITCHED. Holy hell, honestly. That has never happened to me and I was mortified. I had to hold back my tears and act like it didn't phase me, but of course it did. It's the next day and I still haven't heard from him. I don't plan on it and he is crossed off from my list of available bachelors. I feel embarrassed. I feel stupid and I actually feel like I deserve way better.

Which is why I deleted his number and now will get ready for the weekend. :) Happy dating everyone!